We know how hard family life can be.

Hi! I’m Sara.

Welcome to The Redemptive Collection. I’m so excited you’re here. We are a full time missions and ministry family that works in the US and in multiple locations in East Africa. Our heart is to come alongside people in whatever way they need, and to offer encouragement, discipleship, hope, and sometimes just being present in their pain. We serve a God who does that for us every day, and we want to be a part of helping to bring that to others as well.

We have been married for almost 30 years, and we have seven kids ages 15-26, and two sons-in-law. We are deep into this season of being parents to adults and big kids, and even through the challenges, we are enjoying this season immensely.

Four of our kids are adopted, and we've had multiple kids live on the mission field overseas, so we are very familiar with trauma and its impact on mental health and family life. We are thankful for the counseling, encouragement, and training we've received over the years, and we would love to come alongside other families in their journeys as well.

Transforming parenting and family.

After more than 25 years of parenting, we know how hard it can be. Through hours of counseling, trainings, and certifications, we’ve found some help and freedom in our parenting and family relationships that we would love to share with you.

Get started with
The Redemptive Collection.

Read more about our
process and insights.