Find the tools and help that you need.

Parenting: Understanding Ourselves and Our Kids:

Parenting can often feel like putting a puzzle together with edge pieces missing and without a picture as a guide. This coaching course will help put some of the pieces together in a way that helps you parent each of your kids in the way that is unique to them, by exploring topics like personalities, family roles, and childhood patterns. Once we can identify these things for ourselves and our children, it gives us the tools that we need to parent in a healthy, holistic way that ultimately points them to Jesus.

Five, 45 minute sessions for $250, individualized packages are available.

General Parenting Coaching:

Sometimes parenting is a really lonely job, and it helps to have someone to talk through problems you might be facing. This coaching course can help you identify the conflict, brainstorm ideas, make a plan, and manage the follow through to create lasting change for you and your family.

Starting at three, one-hour sessions for $150, individualized packages are available.

Spiritual Life Coaching:

Similar to our parenting, it is easy to feel alone in our spiritual lives and to believe that no one struggles the same way we do. This course will help you identify challenges you are facing or areas of growth that you would like to see happen, brainstorm ideas, make a plan, and follow through to create the change you want to see in your spiritual life.

Starting at three, one-hour sessions for $150, individualized packages are available.

Contact us for a free consultation to determine what kind of coaching would be best for you.

Morning, afternoon, and evening appointments are available.