Welcome to The Redemptive Collection

Welcome to The Redemptive Collection. This has been a dream, a deep-stirring, and a giant fear of mine for the last several years. There’s nothing like facing something that equally excites, terrifies, and makes you want to hide under the bed. I’ve had more starts and stops than I care to count. I gather the courage to put some words together, and then life happens, and it’s easiest to shove the things you’re afraid of to the side. And yet. It won’t stop hanging out on the edges of my brain. Always there, and not willing to let me forget this thing that God whispered to my heart several years ago.

There are already a lot of voices out there. Influencers, leaders, speakers, books, podcasts, conferences….the list goes on and on. This isn’t a bad thing. I have learned and grown and changed because of the work put into many of these resources. But, that is not what this is. I don’t pretend to be a brand or an influencer. I simply want to offer a hand or maybe an ear along the journey. If you need a free list of suggested resources, please check back often, as that will be regularly updated. If you need some encouragement, that will also be posted from time to time. If you need someone to come alongside you for a season in a coaching role, I’m happy to provide that as well. While all the voices can offer us so much, sometimes what we really need is someone who will listen. I would love to be that for you.

As I’ve processed what I want this space to look like, I repeatedly returned to two origin stories from the Bible. The story of the Israelites being freed from captivity, is a popular story, even for children. God parting the Red Sea is the stuff Children’s Bible stories are made of. But, what happened next? They spent 40 years wandering in the wilderness. Setting them free from their physical captivity was one thing, but it took FORTY YEARS to set them free from their spiritual captivity. I often feel the same. I know God has set me free, but at the same time, I feel like I’m wandering in the wilderness, without a lot of progress.

The other story is the ultimate origin story, the creation of the world. We were created for beauty, peace, perfection, and the relationship found in the garden, but all of that was broken in the fall. Somehow, we know we weren’t created to be wandering in the wilderness, and we long for the garden. Someday, we will return to that perfection, but while we’re waiting for the ultimate fulfillment of the promises of God, we can be a part of bringing His Kingdom to earth. We can be culture makers. We can help redeem what has been lost. That is the goal of this space. I would love to have you join me.


Understanding Ourselves and Our Kids